Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Dear students: final grades are up on PantherSoft. I gave everyone a little early holiday present of 5 points on their final grade, and we have a normal upper-division grade distribution thanks to that little boost. Note that the adjusted grades are NOT reflected in the gradebook posted earlier. Have a great break, and I hope to see you at graduation tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dear students: the raw scores for all of this semester's work, including the Final Exam and Project #3, are available by clicking here. I will calculate final letter grades and post them on PantherSoft later this week. Have a great break!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Project #3

Dear students: the time is here to begin your field research for Project #3. You can get the instructions by clicking here. I know you'll have fun with this one!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Article by Professor Price

Since some of you have wondered what it is that geographers like me really do with our time (besides teach, advise, run the University, and write textbooks), I'm sharing a recent article of mine. You can access it by clicking here. It is not required reading, merely a peek into my own research. The topic is critical race theory (an approach coming out of legal studies) and critical geographies of race.

Final Week Exam Schedule

Well  (drum roll here), the much-anticipated, long-awaited, final version of the Final Week Schedule is now available by clicking here. Our final exam is scheduled for Monday December 6th at 12:00. NOTE: This is inexplicably an hour earlier than we usually meet, so put it in your planner!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Careers in Geography

Dear students: here is the guide I developed "back in the day" (as you would say) when I was undergrad program director for INR & Geography. Click here, and note that the second page of this pdf has the career information (first page is about majoring in Geog).

The Association of American Geographers has great career advice too, which you can access by clicking here.

Finally, if I can give any one magic piece of advice, it would be to do an internship in your senior year. Dr. Tardanico is in charge of our internship program in GSS, and his email is